Who's In Charge of the West? Bolsheviks and their New Black Goys
A linguist told me the word for King is etymologically related to the word Con. In this sense, President Joe Biden really is the King of the United States of America. Biden is the con whose job it is to make white middle-class Americans believe they still have a guy in the White House. Behind the scenes, however, Bolsheviks and their communist black goys have long seized power. Greedy as they are, they’re after the white middle class’s wealth and savings.
The United States, in other words, is no longer a white Christian nation. It is a failed state that has fallen into the hands of the Black Panther activists who helped hoist a gay prince Barack Obama into the saddle. But before you wonder how white men, who were still firmly seated in power during the early 1900s, lost their claim to power, perhaps a better question goes: Why did the nation-state stop serving white people’s needs?
Races and peoples are always older than the nations they inhabit. Nations are the bureaucratic products of people who once agreed to shape them. It is not the people who have failed their nations. It is the nation that has failed the people. White men, for this reason, have largely abandoned their claims because maintaining the nation turned out to be more of a burden than a benefit.
And now, a lesser, more materialist, less scrupulous, less moral people are willing to take over the ruins left them by the White Man—mass immigration coming straight out of Black Africa.
To the new Nigerian arrival to New York City, the place must look like Wakanda. To the white people who grew up in the Big Apple, the place looks like a dumpster on fire. These contrasting perceptions betray the deeper currents. The materialist societies of yesteryear have served white people well, yet now it is time for us to move on. The collapse of urban society is upon us. Quo vadis? Where to? To higher grounds!
The bizarre anti-white policies coming out of the Biden Administration, and the even more bizarre fantasies of the anti-white mainstream media, point to a Black communist takeover, similar to what happened to South Africa after the end of Apartheid. South Africa now has over 100 race laws discriminating against white people, for example, to prevent them from taking up jobs.
But unlike black people, who so feverishly seek to rule a decrepit society to boost their insatiable desire for narcissistic recognition, the whites are better off without it. Besides, the new arrivals—races of people who have never built cities of their own and who have never had to maintain a transportation or energy infrastructure—won’t hold on to power for very long. As with every post-colonial society, it will all fall into disarray.
White people must, therefore, return to tradition. But which traditions ought we return to? Firstly, we shall have to embrace pastures and pastoralism, and secondly, this means we must first find new forests to clear. These forests we may find in North-Western Eurasia, which includes Scandinavia, and in North and Western Canada (the East is an infertile rock plateau). There, we can live off of the meat and milk provided by cattle while we evangelize a whole new type of humanity.
Other territories may become available if climate change turns out to be real and the temperatures start rising. Then Greenland’s inland, Antarctica, and Siberia will also become habitable for Nordic pastoralists. Mind you, these territories are each roughly the size of continental Europe today. The opportunities are endless—can you even begin to imagine three whole new European civilizations founded on fresh new fertile soil?
The way out of the urban degeneracy is not through superhumanism or transhumanism but through the realization that there is, and never was, anything wrong with us. We, European-type human beings, are fine. We are O.K. We are merely experiencing a great upheaval, but it is nothing so serious that we can’t manage with a little embrace of God and Folk.