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Watching the regular news, we see that black African hatred for Europeans and for White Americans has reached levels of sublime psychosis. The irony of black accusations that “whites stole dey resources” is that the majority of these resources are still in Africa, and that black people in Africa could be producing their own luxury goods within two decades. That is, if they weren’t so emotionally consumed with envy.
I said *could be* because they won’t. Instead, Chinese, Arabs, Indians, and Latin Americans will likely be producing luxury goods for themselves, using African labor and resources. Africa is being colonized, again, and hard, but the new colonizers don’t look white so blacks mistake them for friends. They seem to have no clue. Clearly, clever (Chinese? Russian?) propaganda is at work to distract African blacks while they are being robbed blind.
When I suggested to my (unwanted) African followers on my TikTok channel that Africa needs more engineers, technologists, and entrepreneurs to turn their vast resources into home-made wealth, I was called racist and my video was reported for hatespeech. This is their attitude and it’s everything wrong with black Africans suffering a violent nature predisposed to theft, rape, and murder, but their violence is usually driven by tearfully emotional feelings of envy.
Their technological backwardness makes them feel inferior, and they falsely equate this inferiority to their looks. If only they had looked white, they think, they would have had more wealth. As though white governments simply exist to give white people wealth. Something’s missing here.
Black envy, at best, has led to mimicry. In the animal kingdom, mimicry is the act of copying other creatures’ behaviors and/or appearances. And so, the black mimic has donned a British Victorian three-piece suit and tie. Speaking his former masters’ European languages, the black mimic now demands to be given the wealth he sees middle-class white families flaunt.
Mimicry, of course, denies understanding. If there is no understanding that the wealth of the white middle classes around the world came from national investments in intelligent, well-educated, creatively talented offspring and that their skills and work ethic once formed the basis of the European and American material revolutions, then all is lost to the mimic.
I said *once* because the machinery that made us materially well off has also set in motion the mechanisms for our demise. Global envy, for example, motivates aggressive and hateful “minorities” to come to the West to try to “take back all the wealth”.
The black mimic can make himself look white all he wants. But failing to grasp that looks never mattered to begin with means the mimic cannot and will not develop his unseen mind. For what once made European peoples powerful lay not in their appearance but in their abilities.
Mimics, for example, insist that “open immigration” is what made the USA “great” in the past. Are they justifiying colonialism, then? No, this merely stresses the lack of understanding that, in reality, very restricted settlement by North-West Eurepean stock people is what made the USA technologically powerful. Throwing less competent people at the U.S. economy today can only result in an idiocracy.
And the same is happening to every European country. Our mercantilist elites, the owning families who benefit financially from multinational operations, are grabbing as much money as they can while throwing their populiations under the bus. Our only comfort is knowing that this condition will not last forever. We will see a breakthrough in our lifetimes, and it will come after a painful, bloody breakdown.
An idiocracy, indeed, is unfolding before our eyes: A black female Hardvard president who plagiarized her dissertation’s acknowledgement from someone else’s acknowledgement sets the tone. When we promote utter incompetence to levels of power and prestige, the instutions that used to convey these attributes simply lose their power and prestige.
Harvard, like Disney and Bud Light, go the way of things that used to be part of the white cultural sphere. Once appropriated and repurposed by envious mobs hell-bent on humiliating whites, these institutions stop serving their cultural purpose. They become weapons, but blunt weapons.
Today’s subverted Disney films only lead to people walking out, for even the envious mobs’ loyal supporters don’t even want to watch this filth. Since no alternatives have been developed, the culture dies, whites simply retreat, and black mimics are left behind, once again, with feelings of inferiority. They conquered Disney and Harvard but turned it into mud.
When a low-IQ man is told he can go to university to learn to design prosthetics, the people on the receiving end of these products may someday find out they’re better off scrapping together their own solutions. You can’t simply promote recognizably stupid people merely because of the size of their narcissistic egos. Nor can you excuse yourself for doing so on the basis of your skin color. Like I said, it was never about appearance. It was about competence.
An explanation for this societal phenomenon of “white retreat” I also found. When podcaster Tim Pool recently interviewed Democrat presidential candidate Marianna Williamson about the Derek Chauvin mistrial, she literally hid behind her hand, as though she was fearing a beating.
Then it struck me: White women who grew up going to school in forcibly diverse classrooms all learned to fear the violent nature of young Negroe women.
In other words, the real reason why an increasing number of white women are abandoning any loyalty to their people is their Pavlovian fear of Negroe violence. As women tend to do, they try to mediate that fear by submitting to the source of violence: forced diversity. Women like Marianna Williamson suffer Stockholm Syndrome!
In what structural or fundamental way, then, might white men resolve this situation? How do we free white women from the ever-present threat of black violence? Segregation, separation, yes. But how? The answer is to start attacking the base of the whole problem, namely mercantilism.
We need to accept that global shipping lanes that put mercantilists in power of the world are the effective reason for our diversitopian times. Indeed, if the global shipping lanes were to collapse—due to tarriffs, conflict, war, or other increases in cost—so that home-made industry becomes a sensible alternative (again), then, all of a sudden, we shall witness the return of the nation-state.
Nation-states thrive when they are able to rely on their people’s skills and competencies to produce wealth, rather than on the winds bringing riches. It will mean the return of people’s proper treatment and development of their talents (rather than abuse, dismissal, and neglect). Along with it, religious convictions will solidify a sense of popular idenitity that will exclude foreigners and others.
In the end, we will all be better off without globalism. Our culture, our language, our children will all be protected. Our wealthy elite won’t go away but they also won’t be able to replace us. The rich will have to rely on the skills and abilities of their servants, so to speak, rather than on money alone.
So we can foresee a transition from wealthy globalist elites who couldn’t care less about their national people toward a class of elites who understand noblesse oblige. They will be required to take better care of their populations. And some people will simply be more competent than others.
Diversity, in any case, will cease to be part of any curriculum. We will have our universities again, our spaces, and our architecture. We can cut loose from Wakanda.
What we won’t have, however, is envious people’s anti-white aggression. Once it becomes clear that looks just don’t matter, the black mimics will either retreat or flee in shame.