The only thing American conservatives are conserving is their sexual energy. So let’s explain the American political spectrum from a sexual point of view: Democrat men waste their energies on being gay and trans (when they’re not too busy messing with their children’s gender), whereas Republican men are “conserving” their sexual energy (but only when they’re not in the closet about abusing children).
Politics, I realize, is really about sex. Demcoratic elections are about deciding which segment of the population is allowed to reproduce. But conservative voters tend to vote against their own reproductive interests!
In a democracy, the majority is supposed to be able to vote for their continued reproduction, but aging demographics, along with severe sexual degeneracy, have nevertheless turned against white majorities. By 2050 there will probably be no country left on earth with a white majority population, not even in Eastern Europe (as the Poles, Russians, and Ukrainians are largely going to kill themselves off in World War 3).
I conclude that domestic politics is about deciding who may reproduce and who may not.
I came to this conclusion after attending an event in Budapest hosted by the Danube Institute. Speaker Rob Henderson, PhD, introduced the topic of Luxury Beliefs. Luxury beliefs are beliefs the upper-class hold in order to distinguish themselves from everyone else. But they may not necessarily conform to these beliefs.
Henderson gave a good example of this: Although the majority of the American Ivy League rich nowadays say the nuclear family is an outdated concept, 85% of the richest American families still grow up having both biological parents in the household, compared to only 35% for the poorest 30% of Americans. (See the Figure A below.)
The nuclear family is disintegrating, but only for poor people. The rich stay relatively unaffected by their luxury beliefs. The graph implies that in order for people to become rich and stay rich, they have to come from stable households. In other words, the sexual reproductivity of the upper classes remains largely unaffected by the collapse of popular morality.
That explains why upper-class people really don’t care about what happens to the common people. They don’t care because they don’t have to care. Even if the white majority dies out, upper-class whites will likely be fine. They may continue to thrive and perhaps, through their fecundity, someday found new nations for white people. (They better!)
The Conservative Scam
But how did I come to see American conservatism as a scam because of this? Because the debate that followed exposed certain luxury beliefs held by the conservative clique. Luxury beliefs, then, are not confined to the upper classes at all. Any group of people can hold luxury beliefs. (Henderson didn’t notice this.)
For example, the panelists at some point all agreed pornography should be banned. However, banning porn is technically a luxury belief in the sense that the richer conservative women usually don’t (have to) perform in porn, whereas the poorest 30% of women sometimes have to perform certain acts in order to survive financially.
Keep in mind that prostitution is generally illegal in the USA, so poor women who can’t legally prostitute themselves are forced to perform in front of a camera because, by American logic, if you record yourself prostituting yourself and then upload your video to the internet for everyone to see, it’s called porn and it’s legal.
What It Means
However, as a European from The Netherlands, I now realize that what is called ‘American conservatism’ is a completely alien concept to me. In my home country, the conservatives represent barely 3 to 5 seats out of a parliament of 150. Even right-wing nationalists generally look down on these religiously self-secluded ‘Bible Belters’.
American conservatism has the signature of Puritan Protestantism, except they no longer promote having large families, nor do conservatives vote for the policies that would make large white families possible. Instead, they vote to restrict their own sexual reproductivity in order to secure their material wealth.
Giving preference to material wealth over children obviously will lead to extinction. The hostile media have taken note. I would argue that today, American media aren’t even being controlled by Jews but by African American women bent on eradicating the white majority. Every news article nowadays is spun in a way to make white men look bad.
This should be enough to declare (actual, physical) war on the media system instead of sending weapons over to Ukraine, rendering the USA defenseless.
White Guilt
Still, the fact that politics—all politics—is really about a division of reproductive rights among groups and individuals within a population, suggests that white people wishing to see their people thrive ought to abandon the whole idea of democracy and choose a form of reproductive Christianity instead.
Porn isn’t even the real problem, but white guilt is. The moment that white men finally stop feeling guilty for existing, our future becomes clear. American conservatism is holding itself back because grown, conservative men still listen to their mothers.
Do away with your bossy mothers, then, and plant the seeds for new white nations.