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How could 400,000 people working for NASA on the Apollo Space Program keep a secret? And how come no one broke the silence? The answers are: they didn’t, and they did.
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People did speak out.
Astronaut Virgil Grissom, who had studied aviation technology, regularly complained publicly about the poor quality of the spacecraft, calling the Apollo module a “bucket of bolts”. He didn’t think they could even reach space in it. He died during the Apollo 1 ‘tragedy’ when the capsule caught fire and he burned alive. His son Scott still thinks NASA assassinated his father to shut him up.
Bill Kaysing was a top engineer working on the engines for the Saturn rockets—and he wrote the book titled “We Didn’t Go to the Moon”. But most people involved in the Apollo Space Program would never have known that it was a propaganda stunt. The truth did come out, it’s just that people didn’t listen.
People thought the images they saw on TV were simply the whole truth. Just like most of the Theranos employees working for Elizabeth Holmes didn’t know their company’s tech was fake.
Why the Hoax Mattered Then
The United States under John F. Kennedy told the world they could put a man on the moon by 1970. At first, the Americans sought to work together with the Russians, but the Russians already had some insider information they likely kept from the Americans. Namely, lethal disasters suffered by their cosmonauts informed them it couldn’t be done. It wasn’t possible to put a man on the moon. Not with the technology of the 1960s anyway.
Russia then declined a joint venture to reach the moon—because they were going to have the last laugh.
And so, the Americans went at it alone—putting a man on the moon to save national face. Had they not succeeded, the United States would have become the world’s laughing stock. No one would have cared to buy American technology, products, or services anymore. Its “best minds” and “top engineers” and even its “Nobel prize winners” would have been qualified as mentally warped amateurs.
By 1967, the Americans soon discovered why the Russians refused to go to the moon with them. It couldn’t be done! American hubris overshot itself and its nation. One of the biggest operational problems was that the many departments working on different parts poorly communicated with one another. Nobody really knew how the bolts of one contractor ought to fit on the nuts of another.
Instead of showcasing the supreme competence of the American people, their sheer incompetence was slowly and inevitably being revealed. The American soul would have died in 1969 if they had been forced to admit defeat. Unless…. a gifted director could save the day. And so, in 1967, NASA’s director stepped down, and in came the men in black.
Indeed, Stanley Kubrick, who mastered the art of front screen projection for his 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey, eventually used just the same technique to produce the Moon Hoax Show. A pre-recorded film, recorded in a studio with actors Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin hanging from wires in slow-motion, was aired “live” on TV and the people believed it.
Why the Hoax Still Matters
People believed it because they wanted to believe it. Even today. The achievements of the astronauts seem to prove the alleged supremacy of the United States social machinery.
Moreover, the moon landings proved the supremacy of technology per se. Neil Armstrong’s moonwalk carried strong religious undertones. More than Christ on water, he was the Man on the moon. Armstrong’s trip represented technology’s reenactment of Christ’s resurrection. With it, the religion of technological atheism was born.
Indeed, during the two subsequent decades, Americans pushed for the adoption of science education, teaching children the belief in the scientific worldview. However, by 1990, the Education Reform Act already put a stop to any further spread of this astronaut-induced “scientism”. No doubt science’s influence was limited because people also began to see technology’s limitations.
We could put a man on the moon but printer drivers still couldn’t print a one-page document.
The Moon Hoax still matters so much today that the men in black will continue to push for its veracity, still censoring so-called “conspiracy theorists”, and will still make new documentaries “proving” Americans really went to the moon. And that’s because the leaders of the rest of the world have caught on.
Putin, Xi, Modi, the Africans, the Europeans, and whoever else out there, all know: that the moon landings were a hoax, and if they could just convince enough people, the Americans’ supremacy would fall.
Then again, with today’s AI fakery, and with Elon Musk’s rockets, perhaps we will soon see Moon Hoax: The Sequal. That is if China doesn’t beat Americans by actually putting people on the moon. A Chinese arrival on the moon would forever destroy the Apollo hoax, and forever damage the American self-image.
The earth is flat and there is no place to go