Whatever the word ‘autism’ once used to mean, today ‘autistic’ has become a political cussword used to describe “any person who displays self-directed behavior” and “who refuses to follow the rules imposed by a state authority”.
What I’m trying to convince of is that “autism” is now the opposite of “communism” and that’s why media have started calling people autistic on a scale never-before seen.
Are you strong-willed, highly creative, and intelligent? Do you believe the rules should either make sense or shouldn’t be followed at all? Do you have strong emotions and a strong sense of fair treatment? You may be a gifted person misdiagnosed with autism because your society fears independent thinkers.
I always thought that an autistic person was someone unable to communicate socially with people, even if they wanted to. Or that autistic people tended to speak with a robotic, monotonous voice. For this reason, I also never believed that “climate girl” Greta Thunberg was autistic, despite herself saying so.
Nowadays, of course, calling someone autistic is a way of insulting people on social media when you disagree with them. Anyone with an independent mind who dares express themselves is at risk of being labeled autistic. Like, why should I “trust the science” when the science article journalists refer to doesn’t even support the media’s narrative?
New research confirms that “autistic” men have higher-than-average testosterone levels and other androgen (male) hormones. Next, cognitively gifted men also have elevated male hormones. So how often is autism a misdiagnosis of independent intelligence?
The modern problem with autism isn’t that these people have more independently functioning mental abilities but that so-called “autistic” people refuse to obey the government because they can think for themselves.
Podcaster Gariépy raises the question whether autism is even a condition at all. It seems to be normal for masculine males to be “on he spectrum”,
It is time we stop talking about autism as a disorder. Being a normie cuck is the disorder, brought upon by modernity. "Beta-cuck inconsistent normie emotionality/social BBQ-dependence syndrome" should be the name of the disorder and 97% of the male population suffers from it.
Indeed, if most masculine men suffer from the condition, then it isn’t a condition. Women can also be misdiagnose with autism. I have met several highly intelligent women who thought they were autistic because that’s what doctors said. Were they really?
A Finnish woman by the name of Coaching Gifted explains the difference between having autism or having gifted intelligence as follows: “For the most part, highly intelligent people can have ADHD [or autism] traits, but only part of the day,” whereas people with ADHD or autism cannot escape their symptoms (even if they are also high IQ).
My guess is that a lot of people claimed to be “on the spectrum” are simply cognitively gifted people. (Besides, a masculine brain is always on the spectrum.) It brought me to the following conclusion:
The accusation of autism is weaponized liberal politics. They want to liberate you from your independent mind. “Autistic” has become a political cussword, meaning: ’a person who displays self-directed behavior and won’t listen to authority, especially when the authorities are wrong and the rules make no sense’.
Globalists are terrified of people capable of independent thought and they have decided to pathologize independent thought. If you can think for yourself, you’re a danger to society. Don’t do your own research.
So you might wander if autism as a diagnoses has been expanded to include normal male behavior? I.e., as a way for feminists to crack down on the sort of independent thinking that independent men can do?
In another video, she explains that cognitively gifted children may be misdiagnosed as autistic. “Gifted children have a strong inner drive to learn or to search for novelty,” for example. “Gifted children have a need to use their intelligence, and if they’re not allowed to do that, they get extremely bored and frustrated.”
Debunking the Autism “Checklist”
Below is a list of bullet points that specialists say are indicative of autism. But each point can easily be misconstrued, as I’l show:
trouble relating to others (because they’re stupid or boring?) or not having an interest in other people at all (because you’ve had too many bad interactions with stupid or boring people?)
avoid eye contact (were they given enough eye contact to begin with? or were they left alone for too long? or are they trying to stop stupid or boring people from interrupting them?)
wanting to be alone (if being together just means following rigid rules and behaviors imposed on them, perhaps they prefer the freedom of being alone?)
trouble understanding other’s feelings (is it because other people are too irrational?)
being unable to talk (unable, or unwilling to talk? because their intelligent thoughts aren’t understood, and people will make fun of or punish them for speaking?)
not being able express their feelings (were they not understood when they express them?)
not wanting to be held or cuddled (are they punished too often for “disobeying” the rules they think make no sense? and they don’t want to risk more beatings or putdowns for displaying their independent behavior?)
appearing to be unaware when people talk to them (maybe they are perfectly aware, but you are needlessly interrupting them for the umpteenth time? and they’ve had enough of you bothering them while they’re busy?)
interest in people, but not knowing how to talk, play, or relate to them (so they reach out to people but the people give them dumb stares?)
repeating words or phrases or repeating words or phrases in place of normal language (is it their way of exercising complex thought?)
having trouble talking about their needs using typical words (because they are more intelligent and their needs are more nuanced or versatile? or are they trying to work around typical punishments they get for saying the wrong things?)
not looking at objects when another person points at them (because they’ve already seen the objects, and they already know what you’re pointing at? or they are trying to communicate that they’re not interested in the object you’re pointing at? they actually want human interaction with the person pointing? or they don’t want to follow more instructions when they are seeking a more equal interaction with a caregiver?)
unable to adapt to changes in routine (because the changes are erratic and imposed at will by a caregiver who previously punished the child for deviating from the routine?)
I mean, one might easily see that, perhaps, parents of allegedly autistic children are simply overly controlling? Is it because their children are strong-willed, cognitively gifted, and display a lot of self-directed behavior? Do parents of so-called autistic children feel the need to impose their will too much and too often?
I agree that people who cannot escape the listed behaviors are indeed autistic. But how many people have been misdiagnosed with autism simply for being intellectually gifted and who were punished for showing independent behavior?
The autists over at 4chan wear the label with pride.