This Is Our Land, and We're Not Leaving
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So, by now, everybody must know that the UK regime has revealed itself as the most repressive in the Western world.
After decades of infinite mass immigration and the mass gang grooming of their daughters, and mass knife crime in every diverse city in the UK, which is every city, they decided to round up and jail those few daring working-class heroes who still had the guts to speak out about it.
Amnesty International, to my knowledge, has kept quiet about these hundreds of political prisoners disappearing from society after farcical show trials, but the most damning silence comes from the rest of the world.
We in the West always had liberal democracies, so we thought, and everyone else was living in totalitarian tyranny. It's the reason why they always told us immigrants wanted to come to live with us, because life was supposed to be better here.
Maybe it is better, if you're getting free handouts and free housing, but now that the mask has slipped, and Western nations are no longer even trying to hide how much they hate working-class White people, how come the world doesn't protest this hypocrisy?
How come no country, not Turkey, not North Korea, not Iran, has bothered to say, "See! Now, you're just as bad as us!"
Well, they don't do it, because they always knew. It is no surprise to anyone living outside the West that Western establishments are cynically evil. Our political classes, whether in the UK or in Germany, or in France or elsewhere, have been deliberately trying to replace the aging native populations with cheaper labor.
They've also been lowering the standards of living with inflation in order to stay competitive with China or with any of the other rising BRICS nations.
Even the so-called aging of our demographics is not a natural phenomenon. Populations don't age unless they are being harmed. A rich region like Europe is supposed to have a replacement birthrate of a bit more than two children per woman, just like it is in India today.
Europeans are only aging because we are being uprooted. Our niche space, or living space, is shrinking.
Since the 1990s, one after the other so-called progressive program has been institutionalized, from same-sex marriage to divorce, from promoting suicide to offering euthanasia to ever younger people, and from the LG-/- clown show to replacement immigration.
These are the things you would do to your enemy in order to destroy their fertility. Our enemies are not some foreign entity, but rather our own ruling classes cracking down on their own people for still dreaming of higher standards of living.
We were told to climb the ladder of meritocracy. If you worked hard and studied hard, you were supposed to win a bigger house, a second car, and more children. And it was your own fault if you didn't succeed. Who, today, can honestly blame their neighbors for failing in this economy?
The established regime realized they could convert our middle-class dreams into a larger demographic of immigrants, so undermining the bargaining position of the productive classes.
The idea behind diversity was also to capture the world's consumer markets, forcing China into the role of global factory, while pocketing the difference between wholesale and retail.
The plan spectacularly failed. China refuses to be held down. China wants to rule. And all the West has left nowadays are brand names and patents, while the money printers devalue our savings at terrifying speeds.
Western Europe's main sources of income are now housing migrants, at the expense of a shrinking taxpayer base, and selling its infrastructure, and memorials, and landmarks to foreign buyers.
We can't improve any of this without admitting that the West is heading for bankruptcy. This turn of events, however, also indicates that a time of liberation may be upon us.
Precisely in the face of catastrophe, our true strengths are revealed, and our best options become clear. Faced with the possible death of our societies, we shall win the focus needed to know exactly what to do:
we shall first renew a belief in ourselves;
we shall quickly acquire the survival skills needed to deal with an uncertain future;
and we shall find ways to overcome any difficulties left on our path.
Our establishments may have no further need for us, but that doesn't mean they'll ever get rid of us.
We don't need high-tech industry to live a healthy and meaningful life. We don't need crowded streets or cities bulging with people. What we need are plots of land large enough to feed a family willing to work it, and we shall defend those plots by any means necessary.
For this our land.
And we're not leaving.