The European Union Is a Foreign Occupier
And the Genetic Destruction of Ethnic Europeans Is Its Aim
The Austrian nobleman of a Japanese mother, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, really did found the Pan-European Union, the precursor to the modern EU. He designed the flag’s blue color, chose Beethoven’s Ode to Joy as its anthem, and predicted its new currency, the Euro. He also believed urban Jews ought to be the educators of the “warlike” native majority.
Source? He wrote that in his 1925 book Practical Idealism, a hit among European aristocrats of the time, which may reveal a thing or two about the ethnicity of our monarchs and their lineages. The brutes he feared, of course, were Europe’s native warrior castes, non-Jews who still largely ruled Europe by the late 19th century, only to be absolved by the new urban masters during the early 20th.
After Kalergi predicted Europeans would fuse with Africans and Arabs to become a sort of mixed Egyptian race, the Germans of the 1930s countered with their own idea of a white master race (an idea copied from the Old Testament) to rule over the others, rather than to dissolve oneself. Hitler’s defeat effectively secured a Jewish victory, and Germany’s collapse paved the way for the destruction of ethnic Europeans by immigration and mass miscegenation.
Kalergi didn’t just whip up the Union from nothing. He was largely funded by Max Warburg, a Jew. And 55% of the funds later needed to build the European Union came from the U.S. State Department and the Central Intelligence Agency. This also reveals a thing or two about the ethnicity of the U.S. leadership.
No doubt: the European Union is an extension of the American occupation of Germany since around 1950, when the CIA opened its offices in Frankfurt am Main. The EU, then, is a foreign occupier.
But I wouldn’t be writing this article if our Yankee friends had come to promote their authentic cult-hero values of gun-slinging cowboys and large Mormon families. Had they brought us the ideal of American masculinity, I could have easily forgiven their economic imperialism. Alas, the very first act of the new CIA-infested media was to promote the singing Negroe and interracial marriage.
So, clearly, I am writing because it’s the American leadership now pushing the LGBT, the mass immigration, and the mass racial miscegenation of white women with Negroes and Arabs, likely through the planned forced rape of over a hundred million native white European women about to take place.
This, I cannot forgive. This, is beyond an ordinary war crime. This begs for a response so violent it will put an end to any dreams of U.S. global hegemony, now and forever. Staging a couple of fake wars, such as on the borders of Ukraine, to try to get millions of young white men to kill themselves off in the meat grinder, so they may be replaced with Africans, may have worked—for a while—for the least informed Ukrainian class.
To think, however, that *all* European men are going to be so stupid, or that no better-informed European leadership may rise up to challenge to put an end to this sickly “world order”, is a childish fallacy. It’s an insult to European intelligence. We wouldn’t have survived here for so many millennia if we hadn’t figured out how to keep the worst of enemies off our lands—a skill the Americans, too, will soon learn we still possess.
The American Matriarchy, which I presume is ruled by gender-fluid Jewish women behind the scenes, shall never shoot root on European soil.
Having seen up-close how the U.S. Empire operates, by pampering politicians in each European nation, promoting both liberal and conservative candidates—as long as they can be bribed—to further the European Union itself, and gradually to accept mass immigration from afar, the conclusion is also that no European Revolt can take place through the democratic system, since the democracies of Europe have been completely encapsulated by the Americans.
And knowing that the American approach only works as long as they carry limitless funds in their wallets, or at least the illusion thereof, to bribe European “leaders”, once the U.S. economy takes its first real hit since the Great Depression, and funds temporarily must cease to flow to the Bribery Machine, the European warrior castes will come back to life, and take over.
For we shall not live under a rules-based order where the rules were designed by our occupier. We shall live under an authority-based order of our choosing with rulers who are born of our own.
We shall ship the immigrants back.
We shall restore the moral order.
We shall cut loose from foreign influence.
We shall rebuild Europa into an Empire able to withstand the times.