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One after the other Satanic ritual, from the Eurovision Song Contest to the Paris Olympics, proves that Europe is being strangled by abusive people who must have suffered abuse themselves. But that doesn't acquit any of them of the crimes they are passing on to innocent bystanders.
Rather than beating the challenge of bettering themselves, they revel in their misery. They seek to drag us all down to worsen the world. This is where we part our ways. Our quote-unquote "leaders" are not our leaders anymore. Our so-called cultural elite don't represent our culture. We will not follow them to hell. They can go without us.
In 2008, I was lucky enough to win a ticket to the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics. Because I look tall and European, I was sometimes mistaken for an athlete, and on the night of the ceremony, I accidentally wandered into a restaurant for the performers.
I dined there free of charge, and I got to talk to some of the female dancers. They could speak a small bit of English, and I had learned a few words of Chinese. But it was enough to understand how intensely meaningful this historic night was going to be for them.
They were captivated by the gods of progress, or perhaps I should say, the Greek gods of Mount Olympus. The Chinese people I met in cities like Bejing, which the locals call Beijur, Qingdao, and Shanghai, which the locals call Haishang, were living through the fastest modernization period in human history.
They had cities the size of my country. That was 16 years ago, and Europe already felt old. A student told me, when he was born, they didn't have airplanes. But by the time he graduated, Ali Baba was beating eBay. I rode self-driving trains through Shanghai, and we still have nothing like it in Amsterdam.
It felt like China was the future. The thing is, Asians still looked up to the West back in 2008. When I was there, pizzas and hamburgers were considered high class foods because it was new to them.
However, in 2024, a recent poll shows, attitudes have changed a lot. Nearly half of Chinese and Japanese people no longer think the USA offers them an example to follow, rather a failure to avoid.
The West has fallen, though no enemy has defeated us. We did it to ourselves by allowing the moral rot of Satanists to shoot root in media, in education, in science, in business, and in politics. It's the morality of old people who hate children, especially their own.
China has the benefit of learning from our mistakes, and so I doubt the ethnic Han Chinese will ever embrace open borders and multiculturalism. It would be a grave mistake if they did.
Aging demographics are no excuse to hold on to an economy for profits' sake. It's better to rejuvenate by transferring the wealth from old to young, than to transfer one's nation to a foreign-born people.
Indeed, progress has come to a full stop in the West, and out of desperation, we've turned it into a decline. It's suicide.
I think we all know what to do.
We need to depose the evil men in government and media.
We need to rekindle a sense of belonging.
We need to embrace a morally healthy faith.
As the Olympic flame never extinguishes, so too, have our aspirations and dreams never diminished.
All we have to do is to refuse to accept anything less than what's best for us.