How and Why the Deep State Tried to Kill Donald Trump
In September 2022, Joe Biden shocked the world with a hellish red background during a speech in which he railed against the “rising danger of MAGA Trumpists”. Was it also a visual manifestation of the deep state’s desire to draw blood? I believe Biden’s bloodred decor was part of a ritual to try to manifest a Trump assassination.
Given the bureaucracy, I estimate it takes about 2 years to plan for the assassination of a former president.
At the very least, the deep state felt the need to visually communicate their plot, so wit wouldn’t be “jinxed”. In fact, the former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State previously in charge of leading the proxy war in Ukraine, Victoria Nuland, a deep state asset, said days prior to the Trump assassination attempt,
“I don’t think Donald Trump is going to become President…If that’s what Putin’s betting on, he’s going to get a nasty surprise, …”
What nasty surprise? Nuland previously also predicted that the Nordsteam 2 pipeline would go out of commission if Putin dared to invade Ukraine, and that Putin would be expecting an “unpleasant surprise” if he continued funding his war. Then, the terrorist attack in Crocus City Center happened that killed 145 innocent people.
Considering Nuland’s ability to predict the future, we may safely conclude she is very close to the deep state’s decision makers, i.e., the ones who can decide to kill a former president, to prevent him from winning an election. I don’t think Nuland conspired against the former president, but I find it plausible that she had prior knowledge of an impending attack.
I’m convinced the deep state wanted to kill Donald Trump on July 13th, 2024. July 13th also happens to be the day on which John F. Kennedy won the Democratic nomination in 1960. And it happens to be the birthday of Julius Caesar who was assassinated by Brutus. But dates probably don’t matter that much.
What does matter is that the shooter, Thomas Crooks, had no social media presence. Now I’m going to speculate a little bit: If the shooter hadn’t missed, if Trump hadn’t turned his head, and the Pulitzer-prize winning photographer had captured Trump’s head exploding in full view, while CNN was livestreaming the Trump event, I bet Thomas Crooks would have had a social media presence.
There would have been a manifesto, something claiming Trump wasn’t right-wing enough.
I mean, remember when in 2023, Joe Biden claimed that White supremacy was the most dangerous terrorist threat in the USA? Again, the way the Biden administration has been defaming White men, may be another indicator that they were trying to create a narrative. Namely, a narrative pre-established to later use in the case of a Trump assassination.
Had Trump died, there would have been a Crooks manifesto arguing for White purity or something of the sort.
Media would have certainly blamed the AR-15, using Trump’s death to justify abolishing the Second Amendment or banning such rifles. They would have blamed the fact that Crooks was a White man. They would have blamed his parents, since the parents of a 2021 school shooter, Ethan Crumbly, have been convicted and imprisoned for their son’s crime.
(But Crooks’ parents had called the police earlier that day, of course, saying they were worried about their son, handily exonerating themselves.)
I’m convinced that Thomas Crooks was recruited by “special agencies”, more secret than the Secret Service, agencies that specialize in training lonely men and getting them to commit terrorist acts. In fact, I know this is a modus operandi of many secret agencies around the world who cannot be seen committing political violence—they always need “lone gunmen” to pull the triggers.
The real smoking gun, however, is the fact that the Secret Service didn’t think it necessary to secure the roof Crooks crawled upon. Crooks had been spotted at least an hour earlier, walking next to the building, looking up. Crooks even flew a drone three hours before the event to scope out the environment!
But the Secret Service had delegated securing that building to the local police. They had decided no agent should be put on that sloping roof because it was “too steep”. Even though two Secret Service members were present on another roof, closer to Trump, that was even steeper. The Secret Service also, apparently, didn’t secure a massive water tower just next to the building Crooks was on.
It was decided to secure the building from within, allowing Crooks to, unbelievably, carry a Home Depot ladder to the scene, while carrying his gun out in the open, to climb up on the roof, where he was spotted 10 minutes before Trump came on stage. Crooks opened fire 10 minutes after Trump had come on state.
It means the Secret Service let Trump go on stage while a danger was present and the presence of the danger was known to at least the audience members who were trying to alert the police about Crooks’ presence on the roof.
One police office did climb unto the roof, to check out Crooks, but backed down when Crooks threatened the officer with his rifle, whereupon Crooks opened fire on Donald Trump. After missing the President, other Secret Service officers took out Crooks from afar with a single shot to his head.
This unbelievable sequence of events surely incriminates the head of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle. Most of the security people assigned to protect Trump weren’t even Secret Service, they were pulled from a Homeland Security department, and had less experience with political assassinations.
It’s almost as if … the Secret Service designed the situation so that an assassination could take place. And if one did take place, the Secret Service could have put the blame on local police for not following up on the crowd’s minute-long warnings.
Trump, clearly, was getting set up to get shot—by the very organization that was supposed to protect him. There should be no doubt about this. And they were going to blame White Supremacy for it!
Indeed, calls for Cheatle’s resignation are justified, but perhaps there should be calls for her prosecution as well, as she was, possibly and allegedly, involved in organizing Trump’s very assassination attempt.
Still, Cheatle wouldn’t be the mastermind behind a plot to kill the former president. Nor would it be Jill Biden, whose office appointed Cheatle. Nor would it be Hillary Clinton, who likely supports Jill Biden’s term in the White House, since her husband is demented, nor would it be Victoria Nuland, who seems to have hinted at Trump’s assassination prior to the attack.
The real masterminds of such an attack have to be people a bit more powerful, and a bit more shady, than even Hillary Clinton or Victoria Nuland. Who, or what organization, then, might be ultimately considered responsible for an attempted deep state attack on Donald Trump?
I’m guessing it would be the inner circle of the White House’s National Security Council (NSC), along with the highest-ranking members of certain branches of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). And what would be their motive? Their motive would be to prevent a second Trump term from derailing the U.S. Empire’s objectives against Russia, Iran, and China.
That is likely because Donald Trump, even though he is a billionaire, is not a personal friend of the billionaire ‘Beltway’ inner circles that influence the deep state’s decision-making. Basically, the USA finds itself presently in a death struggle for economic survival on a global stage where China is steadily winning a greater market share of global trade.
And that death struggle affects most U.S. billionaires. In order for the USA and its rich elite to stay wealthy and powerful, they will need to, somehow, defeat Iran, China, and Russia, while securing labor-pool India and resource-rich Central Africa to take on a pro-Western stance.
I mean, this is why even the Republican National Convention brought on a Sikh guru to proclaim Waheguru as the “One True God”. The Western deep state is desperately trying to integrate Indians into the Western system, in order to keep Indian on “our side”.
Wouldn’t the destruction of our White people in the West indicate that we’ve already lost the war against China? The Chinese Han population doesn’t have to forcibly mix itself with Islam, Africans, and Indians in order to beat the West. Doesn’t that suggest they’ve already won?
Indeed, Western billionaires hate White people because in order to maintain a White race, they have to sacrifice their wealth. And they’re too greedy to care about the founding stock that once made their families rich in the first place. They’re happy to replace White people with Africans, Arabs, and Indians, so as long as they get to stay rich.
This is why, three days after the assassination attempt, the mainstream media began spinning that Iran may have been plotting to kill Donald Trump. It only proves how slow the legacy media and legacy intel community operate, when users on TikTok and Musk’s X had long spun the attack in many different ways.
Trump might actually want peace with Russia. And that would cost the U.S. billionaire elite circle, the deep state, a lot of money. After all, didn’t the CIA kill John F. Kennedy because he wanted open borders for Israel, denying Israel nuclear weapons to defend itself against the Arabs?