High-grossing gay men are buying poor women’s offspring so they can pretend having a family. The women, of course, may be forced to do so for financial reasons. It’s no different from women forced into prostitution or porn to pay for their addictions.
There’s even a website for it, gay surrogacy. To put it in slightly different words: Many poor women struggling to have families of their own are now selling their newborns to gay men for the nest-egg money needed to pay off their mortgages.
This is LGBTF, or LGBT Feudalism. How is it any different from medieval peasant mothers ordered to breast-feed their feudal lord’s child, so that their own child would starve in the process? It is no different. This is ritual child sacrifice.
Human life has been reduced to a commodity—on sale, in public, online. Zero outrage. But wait, isn’t that called slavery? It certainly is the beginning of slavery. How shall white children born into such captivity ever live free?
The average gay man in the West earns more than the average straight white man. But our enemies still maintain this is a White Straight Supremacist patriarchy. What they really mean is, the LGBT clowns hate it that people still remember the days when sanity and common sense ruled the world.
The point of the LGBT movement is to erase the very memory of family life. To deconstruct it, as per Shulamith Firestone’s Dialectic of Sex. Or per the Pritzker Edition of the Book of Zohar, promoting a transgender goat god.
The point of the LGBT movement is to erase—overturn—the very notion of all that makes people strong and healthy. It’s about White genocide, about destroying the most competent class of people in the world and replacing them with people who live by a primitive animal morality. They will be easier to control.
The babies-for-sales scheme aligns with another trend, namely the firing of new fathers by their queer bosses, robbing a new family of its income. It’s a revenge fantasy for lesbian women who’ll never be biological mothers. They can fire straight people without indemnity.
There is no patriarchy. There is only gay madness infecting our world.