European Men Will Kill the Devouring Mother in the Coming Age of Thor
How might we describe recent European history using mythological terms? I refer to Odin, Freyja, and Thor as archetypes to explain our timeline. I predict that European men will liberate themselves from Freyja’s shadow, the Devouring Mother, by killing her.
Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung once wrote an essay on Odin (Wotan), and how this god of death was guiding Nazi Germany through the war era. Without a doubt, the First and Second World Wars represented Europe’s Age of Wotan, or the Age of Death in which nearly 50 million Europeans lost their lives.
Then, we entered a period of rest, several decades of peace and love, best exemplified by the careless Hippie era of the 1960s and 70s. We embraced the Age of Freyja, Odin’s wife and the goddess of Sex and Love. But since around the 1990s, the Devouring Mother began rearing her ugly head.
A Devouring Mother is the dark side of a loving caregiver. It is Freyja’s shadow. During the Covid years, Freyja began smothering her children with protection, suffocating the citizens (literally by making them wear double masks).
The Devouring Mother is our Nanny State, and she fears her children are becoming too independent (from her). The Nanny State actively fights her children, preventing them from growing up. In some cases, she drives them to suicide.
And so it is clear that European men have but one choice left: In order to save ourselves, we must kill the Devouring Mother. In the coming Age of Thor or the Age of Men, a masculine revolt against feminism will reckon with the Devouring Mother, with the Nanny State, and with Communism.
A Brief Mythological History of the West
1914-1945: Odin rules the Age of Death, killing millions
1946-2018: Freyja rules the Age of Love, restoring peace
2019-2022: the Covid era—Freyja’s shadow rules the Age of the Devouring Mother
2023-?: Thor begins the Age of Men; a masculine revival kills the Devouring Mother