Conspiracy Theory: Was Henry Kissinger Born Female?
Having worked for both Democrat and Republican U.S. Presidents, former Secretary of State and American Nobel-laureate(!) war criminal Henry Kissinger may rightfully be called the Jew of the Kings. Kissinger adheres to a philosophy that says everything is connected to everything else, and so his efforts on the Trilateral Commission—trying to tie together North America, the EU, and Russia—make sense.
But it’s been a long-running conspiracy theory that Henry Kissinger was, perhaps, born female. Stephen Colbert joked about it on his TV show in 2010, grilling Kissinger about his potentially missing tucked parts. The rumor started probably because Kissinger and his wife do make for an odd Disneyesque villain couple. Perhaps they are a gender-swapped couple, say the conspiracy trolls.
I am bringing this up, not because I believe Kissinger is a woman, but because I don’t believe that the transgender movement came about among the younger generations without cause or pretext. I believe the transgender cult was imposed onto the next generations by sexually and mentally warped old men (and women) who are deliberately trying to sabotage humanity’s reproductive rates.
Indeed, one reason why the West and its media outlets are so hysterically agitating in favor of a war on Russia is that countries like Russia (and Iran, China, Hungary, Serbia, etc.) want no part in the gender-swapping 2SLGBTQIA+ craze. These rebellious countries and their more conservative peoples want to expand their biological families, not suppress them.
And that embrace of the family is a direct threat to the Western status quo, a dying civilization that has run out of cash to even begin to renew much of its ancient 19th-century infrastructure.
The Western world has to conquer Russia in order to keep itself alive off of the bountiful Russian resources (land and raw minerals). Western Europe, in particular, has to support U.S. aggression around the world, for even Europe still relies on the colonial principles of conquest and exploitation, and cannot survive without it.
In a sense, the green movements are merely an attempt to wean the West off foreign oil and gas, a noble idea, but it isn’t working out and has just landed Germany in a recession. Going green has been killing Western industries as much as going woke is making businesses go broke (such as Bud Light). In other words, the colonial, war-based systems of the West are finally unraveling, to the delight of the Rest of the world.
But Kissinger’s belief that everything is connected, in my view, points to a more problematic belief in malignant universalism. Is everything connected or should everything be connected? May people, nations, and civilization not choose their own ways? The Western dogma is that everyone in the world should participate in the gender-swapping craze, or else sanctions will follow.
Hungary, for example, one of the few EU countries that refuse to tell kindergartners that they can choose a new gender every day of the week, has already found out. Hungary refuses to teach children under the age of 18 about the Western LGBT spectrum. In response, propagandistic Western media started defaming Hungary for “wanting to ban gays from public life”.
George Soros, too, famously stated in an article on Project Syndicate that the European Union should be used as a springboard to build the global Open Society. The word “the” implies there can be only one Open Society, and that it has to be global. In other words, it has to include everyone.
Inclusion and diversity, then, might as well lead straight to the Gulags for those who don’t wish to be included For in the dreamed Open Society, there is no room for dissent. There is no room for truly diverse thinking. There is no place for men and women who don’t want to live in a gender-confused world. Through punitive systems, such as a globalized Chinese social points system, all those who refuse to play along will eventually lose out on life.
In a world where everything has to be connected, everything has to take steps back. And those who seek a healthy detachment from Soros-Kissingerian totalitarianism pose its greatest threat.
The belief in some gender-swapped future, of course, a world in which genetic females with artificial penises go to work while genetic males with neovaginas stay at home with the children, is a Kabalist fantasy—referring to the Book of Zohar published in 13th-century Spain. Christians may now, perhaps, that Zohar is the region in Biblical times where Sodom and Gomorrah were located.
Since reading parts of the Zohar, I have learned that the Satanic transgender goat-god Baphomet’s name ought to be spelled backward as Temohpab, an acronym for: TEMpli Omnium Hominum Paces ABbas, a Latin phrase which the freemasons translate into “The Father of the Temple, the universal peace of men” (literally: “Abbot of the temple of the peace of all men”).
The belief in universal peace, again, is a malignant belief, so not quite as innocent as it sounds. Universal peace is malignant because it seeks to root out (exterminate) all that goes against it, and all that might be perceived as going against it.
The universal peace of Kissinger and Soros implies that, for example, healthy male assertiveness be rebranded as toxic masculinity; that the biological family be deconstructed into communities of unrelated individuals (the Kibbutz); that men and women ought to be stripped of their birth sex; that children ought to be castrated to prevent future reproduction; that new humans ought to be bred and designed in incubation facilities (as in Huxley’s Brave New World); that machines ought to replace male muscle; that women’s wombs ought to be replaced with machines; that women ought to work; that men ought to stay at home; that women must live without men; that men must submit to women; and that boys may never become men.
Indeed, we now realize why the Baphometian cult loves Negroes so much, for the Negroes already display naturally the desired behavior of Future Man. In the Negroe social organization, the tyrannical male despot rules over his twenty wives who, in turn, rule over the society. Ordinary males are discarded, deemed unfit and unnecessary, killed off in wars, or sold into slavery (by their own mothers).
How often do African-American women rid themselves of their inseminators only to apply for welfare, effectively forcing the white man to provide for her children? Mind you, a system of parasitism can neither be globalized nor maintained indefinitely and must eventually die out.
My point is that a gender-confused human species will automatically go extinct. Only a minority of men and women who choose to surf the tides (or ride the tiger) will live on to repopulate the Earth.