Combatting the Defamation Circus
Anybody who still reads the mainstream news may have noticed the increasing barrage of anti-white defamation. Journalists go to great lengths to paint white men, women, and children in some bizarre light while the people they worship still shit outdoors and wipe their behinds with their bare hands.
Now don’t give me the “but Vikings also didn’t have toilet paper” look. Vikings actually used strips of green moss so they didn’t have to use their hands.
The defamation crowd claims they taught white people about cleanliness and how to season our food because “salt and pepper aren’t spices”. Never mind that much of the colonial cuisine was invented by white chefs.
Afrocentrists can’t believably claim they invented any technology—since they still order almost all of their finished goods from either the West or from China—but they can happily defame Europeans and their achievements.
Especially so in the United States: the mainstream media there seems to be entirely taken over by the Woke Afrocentrist crowd, as well as in Britain where schools are urged to teach kids that Black Negroe Africans built Stonehenge. They didn’t. It’s just an example of the historical weirdness Afrocentrists have to resort to.
It’s quite easy to grasp who we are dealing with, namely narcissists. Their inflated egos won’t allow introspection or self-reflection, and so they can only try to degrade their superior enemy while claiming other people’s successes as their own.
The defamations thrown at us are so silly that, in most cases, we don’t even need to respond, and at worst, we can briefly and politely correct the record. The Afrocentrists are really degrading themselves with repeated attacks that just make them look increasingly immature.
For example, did you know an African-American man invented the hairbrush? Except, he didn’t. The hairbrush was invented many thousands of years ago by various peoples around the world—just not by sub-Saharan Africans. Although some hairbrush was indeed patented in the USA by an African-American man in the 1890s, a white man still beat him to the patent by filing one in 1875.
Then again, I hope I don’t have to explain the difference between inventions and patents. Sub-Saharan Africans practically invented nothing at all and depend on the inventions introduced to them by other civilizations.
The oldest wheel found in the archaeological record comes from present-day Slovakia, and this wooden wheel is over 5,000 years old, suggesting ancient Europeans were busy people, traveling around a lot. The ancient North-European languages indeed contained a vocabulary relating to wheeled transportation, such as till, axle, wheel, etc.
By comparison, the Bantu language family of Sub-Saharan Africa didn’t have such words until Europeans taught them.
But the defamation game we are confronted with daily also proves we are dealing with childlike people. They cannot grasp that their behavior isn’t indicative of them “winning” any kind of culture war. It is evidence of them not being able to compete on a level playing field, and so they resort to flinging feces in order to harm their enemy.
Clean people better stay away from the defamers. Don’t interact with them. Our civilization will continue to shine, theirs will always stink.