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A class of people who know how to exploit immigrants is waging war on those who have to compete with immigrants for housing and jobs. So, working-class white people are losing out to people willing to share a room with 12 others sleeping in bunk beds.
But the fact that the exploitative party in this conflict thinks they are Marxists still trying to elevate the working classes comes straight out of a Franz Kafka novel. Kafka's works are described as featuring "isolated protagonists facing bizarre predicaments and incomprehensible bureaucratic powers."
That's the situation the British working people now find themselves in, facing off with a Kafkaesque regime of Starmerite midwits who think they can outwit history. For history tells us that bureaucrats who turn on their own don't live very long.
But this surreal situation isn't just the struggle of the English or the Irish. It is a struggle affecting all people of European descent, everywhere in the world, whether at home in their mother continent, or in their new fatherlands far away.
When we take a closer look at each other, our kind of people, be it Canadians, South Africans, Germans, French, Australians, Italians, Dutch or Poles, ... don't we realize we are really one Great people spread across the globe, and that we are already united by the common enemy that is globalism?
Britain is just a recent example of a dying Western body trying to keep itself alive by cannibalizing its limbs. A higher quality man who demands proper housing and nourishment, and ample space for sports and adventure, is being replaced with economic undermen willing to accept third-world standards of living.
And yet they call it progress.
We call it the end of the road.
Jailing thousands of patriots for speaking out against tyranny won't suddenly kill a people's will to live. No, the British crackdown on speech and thoughts, which I think will soon become an example for the European Union to follow, merely forces us to do the unthinkable.
We should make sure that betting on immigrants from Central Africa, India, or the Muslim world shall incur our Western elites the biggest financial loss in the history of their existence. An economic crash then frees us from their exploitative schemes, and affords us the opportunity to find a new way forward.
Either we turn back toward better times, or we take off and fly high. Whichever choice we make, we will make it without having to ask the rest of the world for permission. We are not concerned with how our newfound decisiveness might offend anyone.
Our spirits are still higher than to be expected under these conditions, yet our survival reflexes are long overdue. We have a right to push back.
The people in power are traitors, and their henchmen will one day wake up in the middle of the night, to be pulled out of beds and given the same punishments they have dealt.
None of these bureaucrats will get away with this.
They started this war.
But we're going to win it.