The belief all humans come from Africa is a political belief. We were told that a black woman living in Eastern Africa some 200,000 years ago is the universal common ancestor of all modern human beings. Except, it isn’t so. Chinese scientists have pushed the frontiers of humanity’s origins beyond Western political correctness, and they concluded modern humans first arose in Eurasia, not in Africa.
Let’s take a few steps back. Long before the universalist hypothesis that “we’re all one human race”, European scholars believed there were five main races who had emerged independently from one another. It was called the multi-regional hypothesis.
The Old Races
Unlike today’s American scholars who classify human races by skin color (black/white/yellow/red), the Europeans of the 19th century were looking at skull shapes. Based on skulls, they identified the three big races, Caucasoid (“white”), Negroid (“black”), Mongoloid (“yellow”), and they reserved two smaller spots for the Amerindians and Australian Aborigines.
The Caucasoid skull is “long”, namely the side of the skull is longer than the face is wide, as with a horse or a wind hound, whereas the Negroid skull, for example, is “short”, or rather, round. Hatmakers around the world have always known about these differences, but political reasons forbid Western scholars to further delve into these topics, for racial differences are a taboo that need to be denied.
The old European thinkers were then surprised to find (some groups of) people living in Ethiopia who also had the Caucasoid skull shape, along with other similar features. They concluded that Europeans must have ventured out of Europe long before, into Africa, and spread their genes there.
But in modern American academia, such racial similarities, as well as racial differences, have been obscured by the use of a wholesale black-white re-categorization. Africans are now “black”, even though most North Africans have the Caucasoid skull shape (because they are genetically related to West Eurasians and not to Sub-Saharan Africans).
The political correctness is stifling this debate. So Chinese scholars have stepped in to fill the void, notably Professor of Molecular Evolution, Shi Huang, who tweets in English.
Leftist Denial of Reality

In professor Shi Huang’s own words, leftist Western scientists “tend to deny scientific realities if they don’t align with their personal beliefs, and they accept uncritically false assumptions and their inferences if they do align.” It is the mindset of totalitarians. Western leftists have been engaging in completely fictional “science” for the sake of proving their preconfigured assumptions true. Their science thus has no bearing on reality.
Professor Shi Huang: “My experience in dealing with leftists confirms that they adhere to their belief that reality is only mind-dependent and not mind-independent, and they genuinely don’t prioritize the pursuit of objective truth.”
Most importantly, when it comes to defending the Out-of-Africa theory, “[Leftist Western scientists] often opt not to test their assumptions and the inferences based on them, especially when they sense they could be proven wrong. They ignore and suppress papers that test and disprove the [Out-of-Africa] theory.”
Or in the words of Francis Fukuyama (in his book The Origins of Political Order), leftists want to fit reality to their ideology, whereas real scientists fit their ideology to the reality.
Similarity to Chimpanzee DNA
Indeed, rarely will a mainstream publication such as Nature publish data that doesn’t support the Out-of-Africa theory, but one large meta-study slipped through: The Simons Genome Diversity Project, which, in the above-mentioned Extended Figure 5, shows that Africans have more genetic similarities to chimpanzees than do Europeans and Asians.

Are We Dehumanizing Africans?
Immediately, of course, arises the concern from Africans who feel dehumanized:
But the concern is one-sided. After it was discovered that Europeans have about 2% Neanderthal admixture and Asians have about 6% Denisovan admixture, the American propaganda machine began publishing a plethora of articles in the mainstream media purporting that Whites and Asians may have dysgenic features, making us less human.
The Afro-centrist propaganda then ran with it and began presenting modern black Africans (West Africans!) as the only true humans. That was until Indian researchers discovered that modern Sub-Saharan West-Africans have up to 19% admixture from an extinct ghost species, likely Homo Erectus and/or Homo Ergaster, making black Africans factually the least Sapiens (and the most related to chimpanzees).
The professor concludes that Sub-Saharan Africans were actually the last to become “Sapiens”, based on 3 open secrets:
Africans are more similar to chimpanzees in DNA than other races are.
Africans may have the highest genetic diversity but becoming a higher species is associated with lower genetic diversity. Or in other words: Higher genetic diversity correlates to lower intelligence.
Africans have the largest # of protein truncating variants, which also correlates to lower intelligence.
The reason that diversity might not be a strength is that it introduces inefficiency at the group level. So groups of highly diverse people may struggle to pass on advanced traits such as higher group intelligence and so on, because diversity comes at the cost of such specializations. Note that we’re talking about group averages, not about individual abilities.
The professor says, “genetic diversity is inversely related to cognition/complexity”.
Professor Shi Huang: “The feature of the head that everyone intuitively sees as the most ape-like is prognathism, which is actually consistent with DNA similarity to chimpanzees. However, the Out of Africa theory does not take this into account. It is truly a product of the left's anti-realism. Shame!”
Really good! I have researched these areas for years for personal interest and have read a lot of Shi Huangs studies — would be great to read more about this topic, the scientists can’t write about this because of politics as you said, so I really hope to hear from more people like you about it.
Really hope to read more interesting articles from you about this topic! All the best from 🇸🇪🤝