Black Rage: Afrocentrism or Childish Insecurity?

Black people are suffering a deep insecurity about their true origins. Since their known history began with slavery (both by Arabs and Europeans), and since their facial features are so very different from the rest of humanity, they have developed a deep sense of shame, a festering inferiority complex that shall inevitably find expression in the form of war and genocide. The Black Rage is upon us.
Before I continue, it’s important to do away with the American label “black”. There are black-skinned people all over the world who aren’t even African. There are the black-skinned Aboriginal Australians, there are black-skinned people in Southern India, and so on, and so forth. But the “black people” commonly referred to within the U.S. American context are the Negroïd peoples of West and Central Africa, of Sub-Saharan Africa, and generally of the Bantu-speaking language family, the ancestors of the African Americans.
I receive a lot of comments on my TikTok channel, and I interact regularly with the people from West and Central Africa. Because of these interactions, I have learned that a majority of Sub-Saharan Africans have apparently convinced themselves that their ancestors built the pyramids, that North Africans were always ‘black’ like them (meaning Negroïd), that paler-skinned Arabs and Mediterranean people in North Africa must be “invaders”, and even that Europeans ‘coming out of Africa’, therefore, must also have been black people like them.
These beliefs may be called the Afrocentrist view of the world, the idea that the whole world descends from the Central-African or Sub-Saharan Negroïd peoples. People adopt this Afrocentrist view because it gives them a relief from deeply insecure feelings, an opportunity to claim other people’s history as their own, an attempt to boost their confidence. The problem is: no one else believes them.
For example, Afrocentrists claim the history of ancient Egypt as their own and speak openly of chasing out the paler “invaders”. They do not grasp that North Africa has traditionally been populated by Mediterranean type of people (and later, by Arabs) who were always more similar in appearance to the Southern Italians of today, or to the Greek, and so on.
The Ancient Egyptians must have had many shades of skin ranging from pale to olive to dark, but they were never Sub-Sharan Africans. The pyramids, clearly, are in Egypt, and not in Nigeria. The Arab slave trades didn’t start until around the 4th century AD, long after the end of ancient Egypt. The black Nubians (now Sudan) have traditionally been considered the enemies of Egypt but they, too, are not West or Central Africans.
But the Negroïd blacks (meaning black people of Sub-Sharan West and Central Africa) will say, for example, that the ancient word for Egypt was kemet or KMT. This word indeed meant “black lands”. So they were black people! No, they weren’t. The word kemet actually means the black lands of the Nile river banks. It means black soil, not black people. Yet if you try to talk sense back into the Afrocentrist view, you will be met with rage.

Hollywood Business
With the help of the African American presence in Hollywood, the Afrocentrists have started to rewrite other people’s history into their own. For example, by making Cleopatra a half-German, half-Nigerian princess in what is supposed to be a ‘documentary’.
There is a huge market for such Hollywood mockumentary fiction: Nigeria alone now has 213 million inhabitants, almost three times that of Germany. Tales of a non-existent ancient Wakanda, the retroactive acquisition of Egyptian history as their own, and the belief paler North Africans are “invaders” all come together in Sub-Saharan Afrocentrism, where nearly a billion black people can be found to happily gobble up Hollywood’s fiction and lies.
African Americans and their bountiful black brothers and sisters of West and Central Africa have also greedily adopted the belief in the Out-of-Africa theory because, in their perception, this theory ‘proves’ that Europeans are their descendants. For the record: they are not. The Europeans and the Negroid peoples may have had a common ancestor who once lived in East Africa, but that doesn’t make us each other’s descendants. We are separate branches of a tree, not each other’s progeny or ancestry.
Black Rage
I can easily predict what will happen next. Having already convinced hundreds of millions of West and Central Africans that “ancient Egyptians were black”, the only thing standing in the way of Central Africans conquering North Africa and genociding the paler-skinned inhabitants is their military spending. Once Central Africa gets out of debt, the world should consider that the starting signal of several Black Wars waged on the paler people of the North—wars that may last centuries.
Is the world prepared? It should be. It is time for the West to stop feeling guilty over slavery and racism, and realize, that mobs of hundreds of millions of aggressive and deeply racist afrocentrics don’t deserve our sympathy. And in the case of wars and invasions coming out of Central Africa, a military response should not be shunned but rather executed decisively.