According to late professor Antony Sutton, the United States’ primary goal was to prevent another USA from rising in Russia, Europe, or elsewhere. And so, says Sutton, the US funded Bolshevism to make Russia a “captive market”. A captive market is one that can no longer innovate on its own and will be forced to “Buy American”.
Listening to professor Sutton explain this concept of captured markets (here, at t=18:20), it helped me realize the USA did the same thing to Germany in WW2. The US funded both sides of the Second World War between Hitler’s Germany and Stalin’s Russia. Both parties took the bait (after the failed—or sabotaged?—Von Ribbentrop Pact) and tens of millions of White Christian men died on the battlefield.
I’d long come to suspect that the world wars were ruses. I reasoned that the purpose of war is what it does. And the purpose of WWI and WWII was clearly to purge White fighting men from existence. And now I understand the logic behind this as well. By erasing continental Europe’s strongest males, Europe became … a captive market. A slave market.
The Cold War was another US-funded ruse to stir up arms sales between Europe and Russia, to the benefit of Wall Street. The Cold War ended with Boris Yeltsin taking over, but Yeltsin was a US-backed puppet president who—once again—helped Wall Street bankers plunder Russian resources.
It wasn’t until Putin that, arguably for the first time since 1913, a genuine pro-Russian leader took the helm of the Lost Empire.
You may want to hit me with the, “But you’d be speaking Russian.” You’re just a Putin-lover. Problem is, the USA is gay and cutting off children’s genitals as we speak while the former Britain Empire allows organized South-Asian gang-rape squads to kill their children while torturing drugged-up 12yo White girls four brown dicks in their holes at once.
The US Banker Class wants to stay on top of the world at all cost. These bankers aren’t White people. They are venom. They are poison. Furthermore, they are the ones responsible for weakening Europe to the point of having to submit itself to mass immigration and Islam.
The end game is clear now. India is next. The US will do to India what it has done to Russia and Europe before. And then Nigeria, and all of Africa, and the Arab World. The US State Department is pushing LGBT through its diplomatic missions everywhere.
In fact, borrowing US dollars comes with the requirement of accepting LGBT propaganda in one’s schools. This is one reason why African leaders are turning to China for help.
I could go on and one talking about this topic. But what is the solution? If White American males won’t march to Washington to take over, then Europe is on its own.
Europeans should not try to become another USA, however. Europeans should steer away from wanting to rule the whole world. Europeans should aim to become the exact opposite of the USA: a hierarchy-based, ethno-nationalist, patriarchal White and hard Catholic continent.
Europe can begin building a modern conception of the Holy Roman Empire, i.e., a political body that exists solely to preserve the long-term survival (and revival) of White people worldwide, by all means necessary. But Europe can only do so after the collapse of the USA.