Colonialism taught a majority of black Africans to speak some form of European language (French, English, Dutch/Afrikaans, Portuguese, and so on). Thanks to this legacy, many black Africans are now mixing with the Western crowds online, on their smartphones—much unlike East Asians or Middle Easterners who don’t speak Western languages.
The Africans are angry and ungrateful because they are constantly comparing their own lack of advancement to Western achievements. Judging from the endless stream of comments I get from Africans on my new TikTok channel, colonialism has made Africans feel mentally ill. But they have no means to compensate for their delusions of grandiosity other than by lying about European achievements.
I.e., they are living in denial. Africans think Europeans stole their wealth. In reality, Africans didn’t have any wealth. Europeans had to dig up the resources themselves, whereas Africans hadn’t even gone looking for them. Even today, Africans still haven’t built any meaningful industry of their own, since most big African companies are owned by foreigners from China, Russia, or the West.
A documentary film titled Empire of Dust [imdb, youtube] reveals that black people (Sub-Saharan Africans) are a pathetic race of people unable to cope with the new colonizers from China. Modern-day black Africans aren’t modern people. They are still struggling with the planning capabilities of organized foreign societies (the West, Russia, and China).
Stupidly enough, Africans seem to think to think Russians and Chinese are their “rescuers” and “equal partners” when the documented reality affirms that black Africans are hardly the paid laborers of more advanced people.
Indeed, colonial Europeans certainly dented Africans’ primitive sense of dignity. They seem to hate us for it, because what Africans really experienced during the colonial age was not advancement but humiliation.
American conservative author Joseph Sobran said it best:
Western man towers over the rest of the world in ways so
large as to be almost inexpressible. It's Western
exploration, science, and conquest that have revealed the
world to itself. Other races feel like subjects of Western
power long after colonialism, imperialism, and slavery have
disappeared. The charge of racism puzzles whites who feel
not hostility, but only baffled good will, because they
don't grasp what it really means: humiliation. The white
man presents an image of superiority even when he isn't
conscious of it. And superiority excites envy. Destroying
white civilization is the inmost desire of the league of
designated victims we call 'minorities.'
(From Sobran's Newsletter, April 1997)
Wealth is produced by fusing human labor with natural resources. Without doing the labor—including exploration, science, planning, and invention—you have no wealth. When Sub-Saharan Africans complain that Europeans “stole their resources”, they ignore that Europeans were also doing all the work in the factories of the Industrial Age.
Europeans and White Americans produced the wealth of our modern time. May we say that Africans stole our labor? At the very least, they profited tremendously from European and American labor. Western exports upgraded the living conditions of the extremely primitive Africans, turning them into developing nations.
It was because of Western aid that the African population was allowed to boom from a mere 100 million people in 1960 to almost 1.3 billion today (a 1300% increase). During that same period, the European Union population grew from about 334 million to 448 million (a mere ~26% increase, far from a doubling). In fact, the African population only grew that much because of development aid and advances in medicine donated by Western tax payers.
Had the West not made efforts to keep the Africans alive, they would have suffered mass starvation. Their continent’s population would have collapse back to 20 million. In fact, even today, according to a 2018 United Nations report, Africans import up to two-thirds of their food supply from outside of the continent, and half of that is imported from the West.
Average Africans don’t seem to grasp this. They see farms around their towns and assume they’ll be able to feed themselves. But their large urbanizing populations are almost totally dependent on foreign food supplies. If cut off from globalism, the African population would collapse. The African races would simply starve.
The Chinese, however, responded very differently to European colonialism. Equally humiliated, they pushed back, transformed themselves, and responded with incredible technological progress.
An unholy alliance of Chinese strategists and African foot soldiers has emerged to destroy Europe, the object of their collective envy. In my view, we should prepare to cut Africa off from the global food supply systems. Our own kindness will only fuel a stampede of the European continent. A stampede that can easily be prevented.
But Johannes... we wuz kangz